At this spot Luc caught a couple of big trouts with a hopper and several smaller trout with CDC emergent, meanwhile Stephane was walking from upper river and he caught several small trouts with a nymph. Near 7:00 PM we didn´t see more rises nad all activite stop. We were waiting until 8:00 PM but nothing change so we decided to come back to San Martin de los Andes.
But at the moment we were walking out the river I saw a couple of rises behind a willows, so the anglers came back to the river and St. caught both trouts and the second was a big brown. It was good for Stephane because they had caught a lot of trout but not a brown yet.
El lunes por la tarde luego de un día de calor agobiador durante el cual estuvimos pescando por el malleo superior nos fuimos a pescar a la Curva del manzano, más precisamente sobre los 2000 m. río arriba de la Curva.
Luc sacó varias Arco iris, un par grandes con hopper y el resto más pequeñas con CDC. Stephane vino ninfeando río abajo desde los Alamos y obtuvo algunas, pero ninguna grande. Hacias las 19:00 se paró la actividad y hacia las 20:00 todo estaba muerto.

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